Friday, March 20, 2009

It's Not Funny and It's Not News

I have made it a policy to stay away from politics and religion on this blog. But there are things I simply cannot sit idly by and allow to pass without comment. This was one of those things.

I am a proud to be a Canadian. It is, as with most Canadians, a quiet patriotism. I like our Mounties’ red coats, our simple flag, our English/French dichotomy even when it’s infuriating, and especially the land and all its bounty. I am pleased by our contributions to the world, like peace-keepers and hockey.

There are a few things that I feel deserve respect from the rest of the world, however. Most notably, I believe our military has earned that right. So it was with no little distaste and a good deal of anger that I watched this clip on a political blog I sometimes read.

Now Fox News calls itself “fair and balanced,” but there is nothing fair about that segment. The disrespect shown for our forces is nothing less than contemptible.

A little history, for those who may not know. Our forces joined the US and Britain in Afghanistan as early as February of 2002. We did so at the request of the Americans and as a direct result of the 9/11 attacks. Since then, over 110 of our people have died serving in this war.

Our military forces are not many, only 60 000. That includes the army, navy, air force, and our special forces. There are 20 000 reservists. There are nearly 3000 troops in Afghanistan now. That’s almost 5% of our forces. Meantime, we still have forces engaged in other commitments around the globe as well. And of course, our own defence needs at home.

These are hard-working dedicated men and women who are serving, not only their country, but the larger world as well. The government has never had the monies to build a state-of-the-art military, so they make do with second-hand and older equipment.

The war in Afghanistan is stretching our resources and personnel thin. The fact that one of our generals feels that our military will need a year to recover should make it clear to anyone that this commitment comes a great cost. Instead, these people feel it is the basis for derogatory and demeaning jokes.

My husband is an American. He pointed out there were likely many in the US who do not know that Canada has forces in Afghanistan. He is, no doubt, right. The average American has little reason to know of our involvement, as it wasn’t mentioned in their news or by their government overly often, if at all.

But these people aren’t average Americans. They work in the news industry. They found this little story, which I will say, was reported only quietly - even in Canada. If they did not acquaint themselves with any other facts, then as journalists they failed miserably to adhere to even the basic tenements of their jobs. If they did know and still proceeded with this outrageous commentary, they are beneath contempt.

Now, I do not extrapolate the sentiments expressed by this group to the population at large in America. This piece does not reflect the opinions of most Americans, I believe. Unfortunately, many who do view this clip will do exactly that; take this as the American stance. Was it necessary to create ill feeling between our countries, for a few fans fleeting amusement, no less?

The tragedy that is war should never be trivialized in this fashion. Those who serve should be shown the respect their courage deserves. This should be especially true between nations who are allies, who are serving on the same side, in the same war.

Should any who read this feel they wish to express their concerns to Fox News, you can do so at these email addresses:,


morningstar said...

kat.. the whole thing made my blood boil... as you know..

i wanted to make so many comments in my emails... but kept it short and sweet and to the point..

just a little update.. i sent the email / link out to a number of people involved in our military.. and one of them told me today they have forwarded the link to all the Legions.

One other person forwarded it on to some Canadian media folks...

Here's hoping for once.. our voices will be heard.

morningstar (owned by Warren)

Unknown said...

Morningstar, as you can tell, it did the same thing to me. This thing does seem to be getting the attention it deserves, negative attention, and that is a good thing. I too was tempted to cancel our Fox News channel but it is the only American news Buffalo gets here, so we've kept it ... so far. Thinking very hard of trading it in for CNN though.
Thanks for passing it along too. It does seem we are being heard.

Serious Black said...

As I commented on someone elses blog, obviously done with nos sense of reality.

Still, you have to give them credit, it made us sit up and take notice.

Unknown said...

Serious, the reality of things does seem to have eluded this crew.

One suspects this kind of thinking is out there, but you usually don't see it prominently displayed on tv, even in the wee hours of the morning.

Coming as it did on the eve of another 4 Canadian deaths in Afghanistan, it seems especially discordant. Enough so, that more of us are speaking up and taking issue with it, yes.

Thanks for dropping by, and especially for leaving a comment.

Whitesnake said...

Whoops I am late....BUGGA!
Hope you had a wonderful birthday say Hi ta the ole fart will ya....

Alas i dont get on here like I use ta but it will come in time.....Take Care.....